Dishonest ripoffs, dirty ripoff liars

Business & Finance

Had the same problem as many others with sudden halt to charging privileges as FCNB knowingly was going to cancel their affiliation with Visa/Mastercard.

I called to see when they would credit my unused portion of my annual fee and the customer service representative told me that it was not a refundable fee. She asked me if i had my original agreement i signed when i accepted the card. After i told her i did and read to her the exception clause that stated it was refundable if charging privileges were canceled, i just got a mockingbird approach as i was just told the same thing over and over. She told me i could dispute it by putting my claim in writing..

I then put it in writing and never received a response. I was told the amount in question ($3 and some change left over after a balance transfer) would not be considered late while it was in dispute. Just this week, i get another bill with the $3 that was unpaid and a $35 late fee..

I find it irritating that they can't refund my annual fee portion that went unused, yet they can continue to send bills for $3... Sounds like they are trying to take everyone to the cleaners on their way out.
Class action lawsuit, i'm there...

Company: Fcnb
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
Address: P.O. Box 5280
Phone: 8008763262
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Ripped off anual fee consumer fraud ripoff

First Consumers National Bank
FCNB Rip-off Discontinued credit card service, but no refund of annual fee. Class action eminent. Ripoff

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First Consumers National Bank FCNB
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