ARA Collections Scam
ARA Samuel Wiser Ext. 3460 ARA reincarnating dead (supposed) debt from over 12 years ago?

Business & Finance

I literally just got off of the phone with one of their representatives, as I type this, and they are just as nice as can be.
Unfortunately, the time period that they are pursuing me for, I dealt with a cash only basis, and don't believe in financing anyway.

The company that they say the debt originated from is not able to be found online anywhere, and is, according to the ARA rep "No longer in business, so now you must pay us accrued interests from their account."
And apparently I'm also being threatened with a court summons to a place over 2,000 miles from where I've been living. And they apparently are thorough on their backtrails as they hit every address I've had in over 12 years.

According to them, in January they started mailing to addresses that I haven't lived in a decade.
They provided me with my social, my ex wife's social and information, and informed me that I was a co-signer on a large vehicle purchase in 1997.

They are threatening wage garnishment, seizure of assets, and all other legal recourse if I do not comply immediately and pay them $4700 this week.
I'm not a big one on extortion, strong arm tactics, or anything else that deprives my kids, especially for a collection letter from a company that I've never heard of, on a purchase that I would not have been likely to make, or since I would not have been a co-signer for anyone, would I buy that route either.

So, how do we go about shutting down their scams and harrassments?
I'm sure there a ton of others in the same situation that would also like some form of reassurance. Feels like another scam to me, although their website is decent.
Http://www.arainc.Us/html/contact_us.html is their website link, as it's not available below.

Company: ARA Collections Scam
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Schaumburg
Address: P.ob 4009
Phone: 8883101550
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