WalkAwayPlan.com, Crisis Managment LLC, Donald And Sarah Helbert
WalkAwayPlan.com, Crisis Managment, Donald And Sarah Helbert Had to xxl my contract with WalkAwayPlan.com within 24 hrs of signing. They REFUSE to answer my phone calls and e-mails. Still holding my 4K captive!

Business & Finance

I talked with and signed a contract with WalkAwayPlan.com on a Wednesday, faxed it to them on Thursday and communicated to them to put everything on hold (via phone call) on Friday. Donald Helbert's verbal response "No problem". When I told Donald (within 24 hours of signing) that I may have to xxl, I also told him that I would call him back on Monday to let him know for sure.

Monday morning I called Donald and since he was "not available" I left a message with the gal who answered the phone with my name and number. 5 hours later he still had not called me back, so I e-mailed him telling him that I needed to cancel and asked for cancellation paperwork. No response.

Tuesday I *67 Donald's cell phone and a gal answered "hello". I asked for Donald and she said "sure, can I tell him who's calling" (obviously his wife, Sarah). I gave her my name and she said one minute... Then she came back on the phone and said "he's not available right now". I told her that I would be happy to hold.

Donald came on the line 60 seconds later and I explained that I needed to cancel and had tried several times to reach him the day before both by phone and e-mail.

Donald told me to e-mail Sarah in billing at Info@WalkAwayPlan.com (strange that "info" would be "billing") as they handle refunds.

I e-mail AND faxed on 3/3/09 and they STILL have not responded to me OR my lawyer. They are holding my 4K captive.

My frustration is that I did all I could to be upfront in my communication regarding my situation and stayed WELL within my legal rights of cancellation of this contract. I feel put off, mislead and cheated.

My first impression of this company "helpful".
My lasting impression of this company "UNETHICAL"!!

Company: WalkAwayPlan.com, Crisis Managment LLC, Donald And Sarah Helbert
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Glendale
Address: 6006 N 83rd Ave Suite 201
Phone: 8667685859
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