Double billing on charge card

Business & Finance

I simply received my charge card statement and that I discovered that I had been statement twice for my Norton Anti Virus sysem for my pc.

Company: Symantic
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Lake Orion
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Ripoff Stole my money without verification

Thurman Crabb
AlPro Home Improvement And Repair ripoff-Put roof on garage, still leaks, want give $3120.00 back

Norton Anti-Virus
Double billed

Norton Anti-Virus
Double charge for renewal

United Career Systems - Stewart Marketing Group
The company took money for a system guaranteeing access to medical databases of doctors needing billing services after passing a test. The test is completely rigged ripoff

Symantec - Norton Anti Virus
Sneaky unauthorized renewal without consent. Unauthorized charge to credit card

Symantic Norton Anti Virus
Ripoff - Online Renewal Charged me $24.95 and it does not work and there is no way to contact them Inteernet

Norton Antivirus Norton 360
Symantic corp. Bought Norton 360 2.0 from Office Depot installed it ran great for 5 months until Aug. 27th 2009. Virus controlled my scans and computer called norton and they wanted me to pay $99 after paying $80!

Norton Anti Virus 360
Extra charge on credit card

Ever Private Card
Took money from my account without authorization ripoff