Premier Savings, Premier Nationwide Corporation
Premeir Savings, Premeir Nationwide Corporation Advance Fee Credit Card Scam

Business & Finance

Ok, so if you are reading this, you have read the reports below regarding this company. I will simply say that this company has very well trained staff and will take $439 from you after a clever telemarketer reels you in.

Here us my story:

After tons of calls to my cell phone from a Blocked caller, I decided to answer and find out who it was. A very polite and professional man who went by the name Charles Roark was on the line and he said he was with Premier Savings. He said he got my name from my credit card companies as a person who could use their service. After a long and very convincing talk, he said he could have my high interest credit card transferred to a lower rate interest card and that 75% would go towards the principle balance and 1/4 would go to interest. He said his company works with 7 national banks and that one of them would offer me a rate between 6 and 9%. THIS GUY WAS GOOD! For a nominal fee of $439 he could get the process started.

While I was on the phone with him, I went to their website. It looked pretty reasonable and professional so I went with it. I gave him my CC number and he said he would have a "Verifier" call me back to make sure that he told me everything correctly. Next time do a Google search for Premier Savings and not just go to their site. That was my first mistake.

In about 10 minutes I received another Blocked call. This time it was Debbie. Debbie went through the whole thing again making sure that Charles disseminated the information correctly. She explained that a package was going to be mailed with information on banks that will offer me great deals on low interest rate credit cards. Moreover, that if I was turned down 3 times that they would refund only 40% of my $439. I asked her why 40% and she said it was to pay for all the work prior that they do. What? For sending me a package with banks on it? She then started talking about the area I lived in as if she lived here or had relatives in the area. She described the area and how she wanted to move here. What??? Anyway, she verified my credit card information and said the package would be in the mail within 7 to 10 business days AND that the whole process will take about 21 days.

After I hung up, I googled the company and was shocked to see listed as the second entry only to the actual company's website. I was HAD! I called my Credit Card company immediately and they confirmed an authorization for $439 had been posted to my account. The authorization is only that, it did not hit my card yet. I cancelled the card and reported it stolen as the bank said that I would have to wait 30 days before I could dispute the charge. How stupid is that!!!

My wife, the smart one in the family, started searching for information on this company. Well it turns out she got a listing of their employees, domain registration, email addresses, etc. I called the company that same day to get a refund and the receptionist would only take my name and number and said someone would call me back. My wife then called and chewed the receptionist out. Called her by her name. She was shocked to know that my wife already new her name and the names of the others in the office. The receptionist stated that she could not transfer her to anyone as their phones where only used for outbound calling. HOW WEIRD IS THAT?

To make a LONG story short, I sent Debbie [Haynes] an email and told her that I wanted a credit. I figured since I did not get a bounce back that the message went through. I waited till the next day and sent the email again. No response. I called the number I my wife had found and got Debbie on the phone right away. She proceeded to tell me that just 5 minutes prior she had sent me an email cancelling the transaction. I said thank you and hung up. She was very nice and I could tell she did not want any part of what I had in store for this company.

ONE IMPORTANT NOTE. Do a lookup on Google for the address this company claims to be located at and you will find that it is The UPS Store.


I called the UPS store and asked them why their address was the same as Premeir Savings. He had no idea what I was talking about but did say that they may have a PO Box there. I asked how that was possible if the address of the company Premier Savings is the exact same as the address to The UPS Store. He said, he could not disclose any information regarding PO Boxes. Premier uses the UPS Store's address for their domain registration, company information, etc. It is unbelievable how they get away with all this.

In fact, Premier has a court order that states they are not allowed to contact consumers located in the State of North Carolina.

Http:// Directory=PressReleases/&file=Premier Nationwide TRO. Pdf

Do not fall for this scam!!!

Lancaster, California

Company: Premier Savings, Premier Nationwide Corporation
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Scottsdale
Address: 4400 N Scottsdale Rd Suite 9 #9259
Phone: 4802120236
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