Provides inaccurate bank statements. How legal can that be?

Business & Finance

Reading some of the reports published on here already about Wachovia, I realize how far their scams have reached. When I first got my account with them 4 years ago, they were great. This lasted about two years. Ever since then, they've slowly gotten worse and worse about scamming money out of my account. Creating overdraft fees where none should have existed, then charging me more fees when these NSFs actually did cause my account to be negative. They also will create any chance they can to hold a deposit. Some don't even make any sense, such as the fact that I can make a deposit after 2 (Cut off time), and they will not credit it to my account for two days, yet if I had went in the next morning and made the same deposit, it would have been there sooner.

Does anyone else notice that their "same day deposit" time actually occurs at midnight? I hate to inform them, but even remedial people know that midnight is when the NEXT day starts... So this is a blatant lie.

The most recent scam that Wachovia has started pulling on me is charging me NSF fees, yet my bank statement for the month shows that there was enough in my account to cover all transactions at this time. When I call the bank though, they always tell me that these transactions posted several days prior to this. I hate to say it, but this means they are giving me INACCURATE statements, which I'm sure isn't legal. Screw me over, fine... But don't try to hide it from me. I will be looking into the legality of this very soon, as Wachovia deserves to be shut down.

One last note. Nearly every post I have seen on banks has a rebuttal listed from some asanine user claiming that the banks had every right to charge this and this blah blah blah. To you, kind user, please read; regardless of the 'legality' of what the bank does, the point of these complaints is to show that these corporate entities are terrible business scams that extract as much money as possible from their customers, and the only reason these ridiculous practices are allowed is because of equally corrupt politicians okaying the laws for them.

There is no way a bank should be able to charge a 35 dollar fee for debit transactions. It hits a computer, and it's denied. What did they do on their end to require a fee? Absolutely nothing. At least for a bounced check, they have to handle it in some way. Regardless, these banking procedures need government regulations.insufficient funds fees are now a 39 billion dollar a year business for banks... It's safe to say they want to keep it that way.

So before you comment and state "But their areement says"... No, that isn't even the point anymore. The point is that we are tired of shady business practices running rampant everywhere we look. Wachovia... What a joke.

Company: Wachovia
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Site: www.wachovia.com
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Wachovia Bank
All these posts regarding Wachovia Bank customer DISsatisfaction are validating to me!

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Wachovia Bank
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