Google Cash
Rip off 49.95 and 69.95 on my credit card i have cancelled it to no avail

Business & Finance

I opened an email from google. It was for online bus. Iwanted to see what it was. I gave my credit card for 3.95 to look at it next thing i knew ther were a hundred downloads. Did not understand any of it. I deleted everthing.
Nextthing i know a 49.95 charge was on my card. I told my credit card that it was not autherized. They said the would check it out. I called the number and got a runaound. Then this month 69.95 was on it. I tryed two web sites that was no help then a phone # that they will return my call.
I dont know what to do.

Company: Google Cash
Country: USA
State: Utah
Phone: 8665195308
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Google*, Paypal and modemani outlet
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FloRd Agency
I had college students come to my door and tell me they were raising money by selling magazines. I payed with a credit card they came back and said they need cash, but my credit card also got charged


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Took money from my credit card two with draws in the amount of 144.42 dollars THIS IS ONE OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE USING THE GOOLE NAME & HAS NO CONNECTION TO GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE

Growing Rich W/google
Ripoff, never received CD. Over charged more then add stated in monthly charges Nevada

Google Money Tree
Charged my bank account $72.21 for a membership I never ordered and refuses to credit the bogus charges