Grant Every Day
Unauthorized billing

Business & Finance

I signed up for a 7 day trial (1.95) with 'Grant Every Day' or whatever their name really is. A few days later, they called me at home to verify my order, and I told the operator it had already been a few days and the trial period was almost up and I hadn't even tried them out yet. He assured me that 'as far as he knew' the trial didn't start until I received my information.

I never received an email or any login information, or even info on how to get to their website. I called to cancel on the 7th day after I had first ordered, but NO ANSWER. The next morning there was a charge of 58.61 on my bank account from 'Grant Dollars Now' (not even the name of the company I signed up with). I called them again and they said I should have canceled the day before or left them a message via email. (To what address? I wasn't provided with one - was never even able to use the site).

I called my bank because the charge was still pending to ask them to refuse the payment. The bank said they couldn't do anything until the charge went through, because technically until the charge was completed, they hadn't done anything illegal yet. I might have to get my attorney involved in this one.

Company: Grant Every Day
Country: USA
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Grant Every Day - Grant Dollars Now - Grant Resource Guide
Charges to my bank account, but no access... Extremely rude staff

Grant Research Guide - Grant Instructor
Complete rip off - Inactive login and no contact information for customer service

Grant Instructor LLC Or Grant Instructor
Don't trust grant instructor... It is a scam to get into your bank account

Grant One Day
Unauthorized bank withdrawl

Grant Instructor LLC, Grant Guide, Grant Everyday
Cancelled on the 7th day - Early morning, released the hold on my debit - later afternoon, reactivated the hold—took $49.50

Grant One Day
Charged me exhorbitant fees that were hidden on their web site

The Grant Professor

EZ Grant Source
Unauthorized charges

Binverse, Incorporated Malicious Billing Practices - Unavoidable Trial Payment

Grant Research Guide - Federal Grant Services - Grant Instructor
Unathorized account charge and failure to complete refund