Loan Point USA
Is a scam!

Business & Finance

These peeps are inconsiderate A holes and WILL take you for ride for as long as they can get away with it! For starters, I never got a copy of my loan. I would think that this would be a very important item to send your customer, correct?

So I requested a copy of the original loan when talking to them on the phone and I asked for it to be sent via email. They advised me that they could not send a copy by email because it could be amended.

Okay, they said they sent me a copy of the loan the day I was approved VIA EMAIL so why couldn't they send it to me again that same way??? So now I'm having to wait for the loan via snail mail. Besides, email is now considered a legal document and could be held in court. If they send anything via email, they have a confirmation of what was sent??? How do I know that they're not amending my original copy since they now know I never got a copy???

Anywho, before I even called them about my loan and never receiving a copy, I checked my email and sure enough, no email from them with my loan attached. Peeps, I'm a pack rat and anyone that knows me knows that I never through anything away... And I damn well would of printed this document off and put it in a safe place and put the email in my "loan" achieve drawer if it was ever received. Even when I told them that I DIDN'T GET THE F*@#ING LOAN they still did not want to send it to me via email.

Okay, I obtained a $500 loan back on 8/15 and in the email that I received it only mentioned that a $150 fee was being applied. Now, remind you I never got a copy of the loan so I was not aware of the terms. I tried to keep track of the debits coming out of account, but like a typcial working individual, I didn't slow down to see how much was taken... By the way, none of the debits went to the principle. Now, it's what 12/31 and yesterday I noticed another $150 debit from them... I'm thinking "okay, this is getting out of hand" so I pulled up my bank account on line, found all their debits, and I about fell on the floor. They had taken me for $1500!!! And not only that but they have another debit scheduled 1/3 or another $150!!!

I got on the phone with a Marcella over at Loan Point (by the way, they don't give their last names b/c when I asked for her supervisor, she refused to give me the last name) asking her why they've taken out so much and she BLUNTLY told me that it's in my contract. I told her that I didn't get a copy and on top of that I'VE PAID MY LOAN THREE TIMES TO Y'ALL. I even asked her to send me a confirmation of the email that was sent to me that obtained the loan and she flat out refused!!! She had no sympathy at all including her supervisor (Rochelle) and they were not going to cancel the payment that was set for 1/3.

I really hope that this company and any others running like this go down!!! I hope that if you're working for one these companies currently, here's a message from me: Karma is a bitch...!!

Company: Loan Point USA
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: 1338 S. Foothill Drive, Suite 325
Phone: 8003518820
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