Rewards 660
Poorly ran bussiness

Business & Finance

Sold account's without notice, not posting payment's to account's or forwarding payment's to new company, causing a great inconvince now they wont even answer thier phone's also just not long ago payed my annual fee where's my unsed my for the services they said they were going to provide me???

Company: Rewards 660
Country: USA
State: South Dakota
City: Souix Fallls
Address: rewards 660
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Credit One
Credit one is piss poor in customer service and payment posting - credit card

All Tune And Lube
All tune and lube sold me maintenance club and shut down went out of bussiness

United Cash Loans
Ripoff charged me twice the amount I borrowed and account should have been payed off a long time ago

Certegy Payment Recovery Services, Inc
Certegy payment recovery services, debited money from my checking account that shouldn't have been and wasn't authorized to do so

Sams Club

American Express
Cancelled my account. Statement says they owe me $675 in Cash Rewards

After replacing a unathorized payment back in my account, Imagine canceled my card. After I payed off the final bill, they withdrew $160.00 out of my acct. Frauduantly. Atlanta

United Payment Services
Dishonest, stole money, sent to collections

Capital One
Charged a annual fee and added late fees, changed rate with no notification

Tribute Mastercard
GETTING THE SHAFT after paying more then minimum for over 2 yrs&In August '09 RAISED MY CREDIT LIMIT, CHARGED MY ACCOUNT WITH ANNUAL FEE, then in September '09 CLOSED MY ACCOUNT WITHOUT NOTICE