Bank Of America / AKA FIA
Want a bad fico score use these rats aka MBNA

Business & Finance

We the people of the United States of America need to come together and fight back, Why should we allow our Government that we elect to allow the banks funds to cause hardships and predatory lending practices to we the people who's TAX money is helping them get Big Pays.
They use people as Cash Cows with Credit cards, Loans Examples myself I had 26,000.00 and a 16,000.00 Credit cards with FIA.

One day they called and said oh we have a deal for you 4.9% until balance is paid in full, well I never believe that crap but I did this for my son he wanted to buy a home so BOA says oh we will loan you the money then several months later I have never ever missed a payment they reduced the line from 26,000 to what I owed it stated your new credit line is 13,200.00.

Fico scores go in the toilet and I just was fortunate enough to say here is the rest close both accounts and have a nice life but in the mean time they damaged me, other snakes to watch is Citi Bank, Advanta is another snake. Pass this around to our elected officials see what happens I think they need to do away with FICO scores this is away the banks can rob you! Without a gun! Happy Holidays to all.

Company: Bank Of America / AKA FIA
Country: USA
State: Delaware
Address: 1100 N KING STREET
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Equifax - FreeCreditReport
Experian, MyFico, Freecreditreport, freescore, transunion, creditscore Credit Scores - Fraud - Not What The Banks Use

Experian Credit Report
Consumer Report

Com, Transunion, FAKO Not FICO Scores, And Very Misleading. They provide you "scores" from all 3 credit agencies, but not really, they guesstimate!

TransUnion Consumer Scores Are Not Actual FICO Scores when you buy trucredit's service they don't provide your actual scores, they provide a guesstimate

Fraud and scam!

JP Morgan Chase Bank - Mastercard
Deceptive Business Practices, Lowered Credit Line for No Reason

MY Fico, Experiene, Transunion

Bank Of America
Nasty business practices of Bank of America

JP Morgan Chase
The absolute worst to get a car loan

Direct Merchants Bank/HSBC
Credit line reduced 50% with no warning and great history Nevada