DIA Group
Beware this company is a scam

Business & Finance

Everyone - please be careful about this company - this company is a scam - they claim they help customers who are in debt by either working settlements with your creditors or by either reducing your interest rates/monthly pymnts on your credit card bills-
This is a fake company - they do not contact your creditors. The collection calls to your house will continue bc your creditors will not work with this company (they have all been made aware this company in not real)
If this company calls your house and tells u they can help u... Dont fall for it

Company: DIA Group
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ocoee
Address: 1583 Silver Star Road Suite 340
Phone: 8669126227
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Bay View Law Group
Beware of this scam company

Clear Your Debt - Cydebt.com
Failure to fulfill contract

State Capital Financial
SCF Scam, Rated F on BBB, Scrupilous Fees, No Guarentees and No results, Fees are collected before any work is done and it doesnt matter they are not good company and will not give you results

U S Credit Management

Cure My Debt
Took $2,120.00 fr me claiming to pay my creditors. No one got paid. Still have my money

Next Generation Debt Settlement Group
Scamed us out of $2,472.00 of our hard earned money

Hess Kennedy
Fraudulent behavior, liars. Take money out of your account and never payoff your creditors

Global Client Solutions, LLC
World Law Group Should be called debt increasing, instead of Debt Reduction

Debt XS
BEWARE Ripoff Scam they are liars, will take your money and you end up worse off then when you started

Fidelity Reserves Corp
Fidelity Reserves They charge 2/3 of what you pay and don't help with the creditors