Unauthorized debit

Business & Finance

On 12/01 I attempted to order a free trial for 7 days. Halfway through the application process, I was redirected and could never get back to the site. Today, I checked my bank account and found that $72.21 had been debited. I have NOT received the introductory package. I found Googletree on line by performing a Google search and called the 888-760-6767 number. A very friendly, at first, Mashe, ecplained to me that I should have received an email with the insttuctions as to how to access the information (I never received an email) She also said she would cancel my account but that a refund would not be possible. I asked to speak to a supervisor and was told that they would tell me the same thing. I am furious. I am reitred on disability and thought this would be a way to supplement my income. Theft is illegal.

Company: Googletree
Country: USA
State: California
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