First Revenue Assurance
Inaccurate collection

Business & Finance

S. Johnson

To whom it-my problem,

The is inaccurrate info of the debt that's not mine. I seeking debt be taken off my credit history. These details that's not mine there's a mistake inside your information. Fraudgulate motion might of accured this consideration don't fit in with me consideration 725xxxx

Company: First Revenue Assurance
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
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First Revenue Assurance
Rudeness, Business Conduct

Fulton, Frieman & Gullace LLP
Garnishment of wages

Fulton, Frieman & Gullace LLP
Garnishment of wages

At & T Cingular
Fraudulent Account

J.C. Chistensen & Associates, Inc
Fake Information that I owe a debt (Fair Debt Collection Act)

Afni Collection Agency
Collecting an already paid debt to Verizon!

Experian "verifies" false debt - debt not mine!

Cheadle & Cheadle
Illegal collection practices

Portfolio Recovery
Not my debt

Diversified Collection Services
Misleading, untruthful