Harrassment abused & mistreated North Carolina

Business & Finance

I have no idea what is really going on. I started receiving calls from OCWEN recently, and not knowing who/what they were, did not take the calls. Then the calls started coming to my place of employeement.

I told them that they were NOT to call me at work. Now, they are calling my Human Resource officer, asking for my employeement history, as well as salary history. They told them my date of hire, but that was it. WHO THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE? I have NO home financed (I own my trailor out right) so that cant be it. The calls are coming constantly.

One time I talked to this one gentleman (using the term vvveerryyy loosley) He wouldnt even give me his last name. Just told me to call him "Mr. Lucas" I some how tripped him up and got him to tell me his name was Lucas Terry.

I made arrangements to make payments in the amount of $100 a month BUT HE REFUSED TO GIVE ME AN ADDRESS TO SEND THEM. And, it was for some credit card that the limit was only 500 to begin with, I got behind, and now this.

WEll, after making the arrangement—he decided I had a note of IRRITATION in my voice, and demanded all his money NOW. I told him "good bye" and hung up.

It is now becoming harrassing, my nerves are beyond frazzled, and I want the harrassment to stop NOW. What can I do? SOMEONE, please a little advise would be great.

Company: Ocwen
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 23751 Igenuity
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