Direct Merchants Bank
Rip-off Tulsa

Business & Finance

I believe I applied for this account in 98/99. I was approved for $3800 and I believed I could handle that, well they increased my balance another $3800 without my concent. This was not a good time to do this because I was having a hardship. Now my balance is $6600 and I am over the limit because I can't afford the monthly payment on the account.

The people at this company are relentless, they call me between 10 and 12 times a day until they have forced me to keep my answer machine on. One day I pulled up my messages and within two days my message from them totalled 34 this is ludicrous.

I realize this is my responsiblity to pay this bill and I have no problem paying my bills but I have asked them numerous times to help me. I have asked them to lower my monthly payment so I can bring these overlimit and late charges down, but no one will consider helping me. They charge me $34 overlimit and $34 late charge and see that I can't pay this. I am 50 years old and I have never been in a situation like this.

I feel I will owe these people longer than necessary, because they are ruining good hard working people, and people that has put their trust in them. I tried a consumer credit counseling organization only to find out they were dishonest too.

So with Direct Merchant and this crooked Consumer Credit I am further in debt. But I thank God for the Credit Card companies that has volunteered to help me. Thank God for them!

Company: Direct Merchants Bank
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix Tulsa
Phone: 8004351415
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