Quicken Loans
Terrible experience

Business & Finance

I seriously can't believe this company is still in business. They rip off their customers, make employees work like slaves, and kick all of the fraudulent activity under the rug. Dan, Jay, Bill, and every other executive for this company have cheated thousands of people and employees. Why aren't they in jail? If this ever gets the attention it deserves, and all of the fraudulent activity is uncovered, they will go to prison for a long time. It's truly amazing that they have dodged a bullet for this long. It wouldn't surprise me to hear someday that Dan paid off someone so he wouldn't go to jail... Probably the same way he didn't go to jail for operating a gambling ring in college. I wonder how he managed to buy the Cavaliers with his criminal gambling background???

Company: Quicken Loans
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Livonia
Site: quickenloans.com
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