Global Funding LLc
Clearwater Florida Global Funding llc. Truckers are the main Target.By Jeffery Mirclles and a new name LandMark Leasing Clearwate

Business & Finance

As of Nov. 23 Global Funding llc. Has been trailed and found guilty of fruad by the Pinnacle County Court by jury. This is a great victory for truth. But the fight is still not over. Reports has showed Mr. Jeffery Miclles the defunted bussiness owner is still trying to find ways to fool the public by having a hand in opening a new socalled leasing and finn. Company called Landmark Leasing llc. He states he is a sales consutant but we the hard working poeple can tell with just alittle common sense. What is truly going on. Although Landmark Leasing has no complants filed agianst them, yet. This company is register in Del. Under a protective vail the state has to protect them from law suits. Please beware of the same bussiness tactics this company has caused so much harm for so many, under the traps of Global Funding LLc. I hope we can see the truth. And understand that the same poeple whom are involved with Global Funding llc. Is now trying to open a new company that may use the same bussiness practices. Read every detail and do not sign any contracts if you do not understand any details with this company. Ask a lawyer to read and check with state attroney gen. Office. For complaints. And complince also this company does business in Florida with no registion in the state. Three of the active menbers of Global Funding llc. Is now working in Landmark Leasing llc. Michell Turner, Robert Craig Gibbons and last but not least Jeffery Mircllis all three worked for Global Funding including three more from the defunted company. Now involved with Landmark Leasing Florida. Be very careful with if you plan to do business with them...

They target small business owner. Try to sell you a great deal then the deal does not go though and keep you deposit money as to be concerded it earned. Global Funding llc. Is now closed for bussiness, it is under investgation by four goverment agency with over 45 complants under 12 states and even some in Canada.

Global Funding llc., and Jeffery Mirclles has caused so much hardship to so many and his only responds is. Even though they lie or there is a misunderstanting has been made. We follow industry standards and. I am as honest as the day is long. If he is so honest than why does he not compile with the State Attorney Gen. Office of Florida when ask for all finanical records in concern of all complaints filed agianst him and only will allow a plane appalcation, to the state or why has his bussiness had to move twice since he started only two years ago. Maybe ask why his company has collected over $200,000.00 in depsit money with no lease nor loan, only for some clients offer half of thier deposit money back with a ageament with no legal action to take place agianst them. I need to also why Jeffery Mirclles can charge $235.00per hour for a service he does not even compile, nor completes in good faith. I can never forget one piece of conversation I had with one Global Funding rep. I asked how could you sleep at night knowing you are keeping hard earned family money from me. The reponds was. I sleep fine. I think Mr. Mirclles days are getting very short when it come to he's honest. He stated under oath that Global Funding LLc. Is out of business but only days latter he is invovled with another leasing company. Only you can best determine by your judgement. What kind of bussiness they will put you though.

I know how hard it can be. After all this company is responible for keeping $8189.00 of my money and since Feb. I am still fighting to this day. I will not give up. I have the commit to use every legal action necessary to put a end this unlawful act this company has done. I will continue to warn others, so you can be informed the hardship Global Funding LLc. And Mr. Jeffery Mirclles has caused and will continue to do so if we allow it. You have your rights to defend agianst a company that has commit wrong agianst you and your families. Only you, know how hard, you have work to try to be the best not only for yourself, but for families and give the life they desive. But when a company like Global Funding llc. And Jeffery Mirclles conduct bussiness like it has done to so many. You must make a stand, You need to contact your State Rep. And Attroney Gen. Offices, follow though with what they need, such as your aggrements, write all dates of convesations you had with Global Funding and any rep. You have talk to. File complaints with BBB, FTC, State Attroney Gen. Office. Demand for action not only civil, but criminal action. Jeffery Mirclles is counting on you to do nothing, so he can get away with what you have work hard for and he has not...

Please watch and read, and for news stories under Mark Dougles News Channel 8 Truckers Complaints and Global Funding under investigation and a new report about the connection with Jeffery Mirclles with Landmark Leasing Inc. Leasing Company Investigation. Thank to the Rip-Report for letting me state the facts... E-mail me at if need more info or help..

Company: Global Funding LLc
Country: USA
State: Florida
Address: Clearwater, Florida
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Global Funding llc. & Landmark Leasing llc is now closed for bussiness Jeffery M Mirciles, Craig Robert Gibbins

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