Business Credit Services Inc
BCS guarantees lines of credit without a pg and that they will provide coaching

Business & Finance

I paid bcs to assist me in obtaining funding for my business. Bcs sold me a 1 year contract to establish credit in the name of my business. We agreed that I would pay (230) for 12 mts. They told me that they would provide me with a coach to help me through the process of establishing funding for my business without a personal guarantee. Well, (11) payments later I have received no coaching, very few answered phone calls, and all the only credit that i have been approved for is store credit (8) out (20) from the outdated
list that they send you to apply for

What BCS does offer is a list of vendors to apply to (which you can obtain from a google search or any business credit forum) in fact you will probably get more truthful and up to date info than you can from bcs (but, without the pretty packaging) They provide no coaching in fact, my coach didn't return my calls or emails for (2) months. Finally, I was told that he no longer worked there.
To date I still didn't get my business funded and after (6) unreturned phone calls from the Coo. I asked my new, "Senior Business Credit Counselor" about the 100% refund policy, after several phone calls they did agree to give me 1000 off the purchase price and (6) more months of counceling. (for free)

Company: Business Credit Services Inc
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 8680 Spring Mountain Rd
Phone: 7023410064
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Business Credit Services (BCS)
Business Credit Services guarantees business credit. Don't pay this company for what you can do yourself

BCS Credit Services
Guaranteed Business Credit to replace personal credit in my business

Unsecured Business Funding
Credit Coach

Fast Track Business Concepts
This company scammed me out of $6000 with promises to provide a corporate business credit to me they said that they would give me a business paydex score of 80 or higher provide me with 14 credit card

Diversified Wealth
Consumer Report

True Build Credit
The Corporate Credit Network BUSINESS SCAM

Unsecured Business Funding
Direct Business Lending, Jamie Jones, Paula Mc Comb, Adam Furubotten, James Tupou, Ryan Guenther Fraudulent company promises business funding! Take your money and run! George

Developments of the New world Did NOT Provide Services Paid For, Questionable Practices, Won't Return Calls & Emails!

Business Development Division-Nevada
BDD Deceptive Sales Methods and Failure to Provide Services as Promised & Expected, Inc
Visible great review