Safe Auto
Safe Auto completly unprofessional Colombus Ohio

Business & Finance

Well i was in need of a sr22 bond insurance due to some tickets i had obtained. So i decided to go with Safe Auto cause of all the comercials i've seen on the T.V. On how they help people so much.

So i got the insurance and every month that i pay the bill i have asked them to send me proof of insurance and they always got snotty with me stating that they sent them out. I wait till my next bill comes in to see if my cards have come in. Once again nothing.

I had work priviledges to drive back and forth to work. Well i was out repoing vehicles with my brother for his company, and i was driving. I got pulled over and got a ticket for driving with no license and got my car impounded.

I went to get my car out of the impound and they needed proof in insurance. Well what the hell i don't have it. So i call safe auto again and ask them to fax it over to the impound. Waited a couple of hours and still nothing. So i took in a bill to show that i make payments on insurance and they let me get my car out.

So my lawyer goes to court for me and gets all my charges dropped all i have to do is pay 50 dollars and court cost. He also told me that when i go to pay my bill that i need to bring proof of insurance again. Well here we go again.

So i call Safe Auto to ask them to email me proof so i can go pay my fines today. What do i get told? My policy will be cancelled in December?! They told me that i never sent them proof that i got my license back. They never notified me that they needed that.

I ask them for the regional number to talk to a supervisor or what not. Wanna know what she told me? She said that i have to keep callin 1-800-safeauto and hope that i get connected to the colombus area office.

These people are so unprofessional, and they don't care about their customers. I think somthing should be done about this.

Since i've got off the phone with safeauto i have called The general (1800general) and guess what? They are much more polite and they are saving me 20 dollars a month.

Company: Safe Auto
Country: USA
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Safe Auto Insurance
Safe auto is a rip off company not to be trusted

Safe Auto Insurance
Safeauto lies and now they cost me even more money to hire a lawyer

Safe Auto Insurance
Safe Auto takes money from nonexistent customers they are not professionals

Safe Auto Insurance Co
Ripped off

Safe Auto Insurance

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Is lying to customers, screwing up accounts, and ripping off customers. Rip-off!

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Raised my rates 2 times in one month without cause

Safe Auto Insurance Company