Hargrave And Associates
I've been taking advantage of by this company and now I can't get in touch with them

Business & Finance

I contact Hargrave and Associates back in September to help me and boyfriend out with our credit. I paid them for the both of us and was told that I should receive information from credit bureaus every 30 to 45 days stating what was taking care of. I also signed us up for the debit card not credit card and now I have just received a credit card with a balance of $559.

I tried to contact them on several occasion and all I get now is that the numbers I have are disconnected.

I would like help in getting bac k my $574 because this company is a total rip-off and a waste of time.

Company: Hargrave And Associates
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: 3450 Dunn Avenue, Suite 101
Phone: 9047681988
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Hargrave And Associates
I Paid $350 to repair my credit and to receive a secure credit card. Have not received info and can't contact them!

Hargrave And Associates / BFS Credit Solutions
Hargrave and Associates are at it again

Hargrave And Associates
Hargrave and Associates agreed to repair my credit and help to educate me on keeping my credit straight

Hargrave And Associates
JACKSONVILLE, FL Hargrave And Associates - Hargrave And Associates Financial Solutions I was ripped off. Jacksonville Florida

Hargrave And Associates
They ripped me off of $250 promising to help restore my credit and nothing has changed can't get in touch with them

Hargrave And Associates Financial Solutions
Hargrave And Associates - I was ripped off

Hargrave & Associates
Ip off

Hargrave And Associates
Stole my money and did nothing notice! FTC shuts down Hargrave & Associates, bank accounts frozen!

Hargrave And Associates Financial Solutions, Inc
$450 dollars and did not get one thing removed from our credit report!

Hargrave And Associates
Paid 250 dollars for a credit scam