Lenox Capital, Freedom Resource
Rip-off scam take your money for credit card that will never be sent Woodstock

Business & Finance

This company is the most ridiculous company that i have ever not had the pleasure of dealing with. I thought that even after i read the rip off report on this company and confronted them that they would in fact send me my credit card that they promised me. The card is supposed to be sent out 15 to 21 business days after they debit your account, well they withdrew the funds ($220.00) on november 15th and it is now februrary 4th 2003. They have well surpassed their alloted time to send me my card.

Everytime i call they tell me that they will be sending it out in two weeks. I have since then asked for the manager and get the responce that i will recieve my call with in 72 hours. It has been two weeks and nothing... Called again today to request my money back and she stated that it would take 90 days for me to recieve my card... Yeah right. Just like my card...

I will never see my money or my card...

Do not get involved with this company... I would like to contact the press and better business bureau and the police to file an action against this company and put them out of business.

Company: Lenox Capital, Freedom Resource
Country: USA
State: Georgia
Address: 1025 ROSE CREEK DR. SUITE 620 PMB387
Phone: 6782390133
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