Shady - Be Warned harass

Business & Finance

I have begun receiving phone calls from Ameriloan claiming I borrowed money which was deposited into a bank account in 2004. (If this is so, why haven't I heard from them before now?) I may have applied, but I have never received an approval nor has money been deposited to my account. (Thankfully, the account they refer to has long since been closed so I won't have to worry about them taking money without authorization as has happened to others.)

I tried explaining to them I had no knowledge of this loan and asked them to provide some proof. The best they can do is send me a letter via email stating how much they claim I owe.

In one phone call to me they denied having any contact information. No phone to accept incoming calls, no mailing address, no email... Etc. Finally, a representative who called today did provide me with an address and a phone number so if anyone else who is being harassed by these crooks needs it... Here you go:

3531 P Street NW
P.O. Box 111
Miami, OK 74355

Phone: 800-396

The Fair Debt Collection Act gives consumers the right to formally and in writing dispute the claim of debt and requires proof of the debt to be provided or all collection efforts should cease and no legal action can be taken. There's a form letter you can download from this link:


These people are so shady, this may not work with them, but I'm going to give it a try. I've also filed a complaint with the Oklahoma Department of Consumer Credit.

Good luck to everyone who's having issues with these people.

Company: Ameriloan
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Miami
Address: 3531 P Street NW, P.O. Box 111
Phone: 8003962018
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