Payday loan website putting consumers at risk of identity theft

Business & Finance

I applied for a $100.00 payday loan on the Easypayadvance website. I provided all of the critical personal information (SS #, checking acct #, routing). Within an hour someone by the name of Kayla Walker (800-351-8820 Ext 1391, Fax 800-351-8830, email kwalker@loanpointusa.com) from a company called Geneva Roth Ventures contacted me by telephone and email saying that I was approved for $500.00 and quoted that the finance fee will be 150.00.

I said that I will just get the $130.00 (loan $100.00 plus 30.00 finance fee). The next morning I had 500.00 deposited in my account from "Genova Roth Ventures." I called Kayla to reiterate that I only requested $100.00. She stated that for the first loan borrowers can't request $100.00, it must be 200.00,300.00 and 500.00. Strange!!! The whole loan transaction was cancelled. They are in the process of deducting their money from my account.

Then later in the day, I began to receive phonecalls from unfamiliar "866" numbers. They would allow it to ring once and hang up. I called back one of the numbers after I returned home from work. And the unprofessional sounding man tried to tell me that I must have applied for a bankruptcy loan on line. I was confused at what he was talking about. I asked what was the name of his company.

He mubbled something unintelligable. He stated my address number and asked for me to verify my back account number. I've had this number for close to 2 years and no unsolicited calls have never come in. I called the "Genova" number to verify that the transaction was cancelled. I asked the representator about what kind of security measures are taken as far as protecting the customer's identity. He proceeded to tell me that they are only a third party. The people who shared my information with them may also share the info with other advertisers.

This is the fine print that I located on their website:

"How We Use Personally-Identifiable Information
We use the personally-identifiable information you provide to us through this site in order to deliver the products or services you have requested; provide you with customer support; verify or review your application information to determine whether it meets eligibility requirements for participating lenders; communicate with you by email, postal mail, telephone, and/or mobile devices about products or services that may be of interest to you either from us, our marketing partners, or other third parties; display advertising tailored to your interests or background; perform data and statistical analysis on use of the web site; enforce our terms and conditions, and perform any other functions otherwise described to you at the time we collect the information."

Who in h*ll is their "marketing partners and the other third parties?"

I would like to alert consumers of this unorthodox practice. Because it is not plainly disclosed on the home page. And sometimes we mistakenly overlook some key red flags. There is no contact number for instance.

Is there a way that we can track the person/people who run this site and expose them. I am willing to go to the media if necessary.in the mean time I have to put a freeze or alert on my account and close it if necessary.

Detroit, Michigan

Company: Easypayadvances.com
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 1306 W Craig Rd, Suite E309 North
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Deposited money into my account and then took it out, and said that I aggreed to a payday advance loan.internet Internet

Geneva Roth Ventures
I applied for a payday loan and my bank account was robbed by geneva roth ventures

Geneva Roth Ventures
Unauthorized loan, forced loan and forced collecion without my knowlegde

Geneva Roth Ventures
Loan point usa they stole money out of my other account, how did they get my account number

TJF Corp, DMS Marketing, Westbury Ventures, LTS Management, Bahamas Marketing Group
TJF Corp, LTS Management, DMS Marketing Westbury Ventures, Bahamas Marketing Group, Ripoff payday loan company, no way to contact to pay off loan, therefore continue to take money out of account

Genova Roth Ventures
1-800-351-8820 Do not trust any internet payday loan companies, please, please, please Don't Know. Lost The Information lost all the information

Westbury Ventures - Idrosup.com
Westbury ventures - idprosup.com a rippoff payday loan company i never applied to or excepted a loan from!

Geneva Roth - Loan Point USA
Geneva-Roth Ventures continue to take out unauthorized money from my account, illegal fee practices, etc

Instant Lending Group
Stephen Lender Ask for bank account information, name, social security #... All of my personal information

Geneva Roth Capitol Loans / LoanPointUsa
Deposit Money into my account without authorization.internet