Wells Fargo
Awful bank

Business & Finance

Yesterday I checked my account balance and it stated $33. I bought something for $3 -. This morning I check and I was charged overdraft fees than came out to $99. I went to wells fargo and spoke to a rude young lady that called the manager over. When I explained the situation he said that an authorized transaction for $89 came in after I made the purchases and had to pay $99 because the $89 came in first. I explained to him that the $89 came after the other $13 and then changed the policy. He then told me that wells fargo charged all 3 at the same time.

The $89 came in after midnight. I then told him I thought it was poor business practices. He told me that was their business. I then told him that I was going to voice my free speech the next time they had open enrollment in my college campus. I told him that I would voice my troubles to people coming by wells fargo stand. He then asked if I was making a threat. I told him no, that I would only be voicing my right (which is granted under the constitution). He told me that the conversation was over and left without apologizing.

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
Site: wellsfargo.com
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Wells Fargo Bank
Overdraft fees

American Servicing Company - Wells Fargo Bank
Wells fargo bank is ripping me off with their so called policy of posting charges

Wells Fargo Bank
Overdraft fees

Wells Fargo Bank, Inc
Excessive overdraft fees bordering on underhanded business practices

American Servicing Company - Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Bank Overdraft Fee Rip Off

Wells Fargo
Overdraft fees

Wells Fargo
Unhelpful and unpleasant bank

Wells Fargo Bank
Wells fargo placing holds to charge you fees

Wells Fargo
Consumer Report

Wells Fargo
Do not bank with Wells Fargo