Cic Triple Advanta
How to cancell the subscription

Business & Finance

I too was victim of this scam call the 1-877-481-6826 number they give 3 options 1 to cancel 2 to check your report and 3 for customer service. DO NOT HIT 1 it drops you into a call hold that can last for hours I called 3 times to try and get this resolved and spent almost 117 minutes on hold.

Hit 3 and then it gives 2 options 1 is a canned response hit 2 for all other requests and you get a real human who can respond to your problem. I spoke to marcus who not only cancelled the charges but agreed to return 2 months of the charges. I hope this hard to find info helps others resolve this.

Company: Cic Triple Advanta
Country: USA
State: California
City: Gleandale
Address: Glendale CA
Phone: 8774816826
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CIC Triple Advantage
Difficult to cancel membership / Instructions on how to cancel!

CIC Triple Advantage
Unauthorized Credit Card Charges

Washington Mutual
Bad service

AT&T Worldnet Service
Definitely not the right choice

Zero Plus Dialing, One Call Communications
Total ripoff and not even smart about it san antonio

CIC Triple Advantage Credit Monitoring
Automatic enrollment in credit monitoring while obtaining credit report Ripoff

Ripoff DISHONEST FRAUDULENT BILLING The amount of time I spent on hold alone wanting to cancel, I lost a lot more than $75

Customer Service

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