Homecomings A GMAC Company
Misrepresented Mortgage price and add misc. Charges to monthly bill

Business & Finance

I refinanced thru them on a current mortgage of 160,000 somehow my mortgage is now over 200,000 and my promised monthly payment of 800.00 monthly changed to 1900.00 monthly. Plus I did have a financial problem for 3 months and did pay them although I keep getting misc charges for home inspections since then, when does this stop and does it? I do believe I was ripped off big time the hidden fees and such. My transaction was also very stupid on my part was held at my house by an attorney they supplied I felt very pressured by this man and did reluctantly signed his new promised contract. Not knowing I was hurting myself financially (Since I have a Brain injury and am Bi Polar) this contract should never have been approved or gone thru.By the way the loan officer or broker Matt knew of all my problems. I feel I was taken advantage of and don't know what I can do?
Anyone with any help Please I am desperate I don't want to lose my house.
Thank You for giving me the opportunity to vent.

Company: Homecomings A GMAC Company
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Waterloo
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