Foundation Financial Group
Save yourself the frustation of agreeing to an interview

Business & Finance

If you've read the other complaints, this one will be very much in line with what's been said. The first thing to keep in mind is that this company is in the mortgage packaging industry, not the mortgage servicing industry. While not a new trend, the company will later sell whatever loan you've agreed to.

A couple of key points to raise - which are important if you are a potential employee or customer:

1. The company doesn't require background checks on it's employees. As a potential employee, are you willing to work for a company that's not willing to check even basic background information on someone you're sitting next to - or managed by? And, as a potential customer, are you willing to give your personal information to anyone over the phone? More importantly, would you be willing to do so, knowing that the person may very well have been guilty of identity theft, or fraud.

2. The industry as a whole. The fact is, the mortgage industry is in shambles. Everyone knows it, it's been paramount to 90% of this years election, and the underlining theme in the economy's troubles. Answer the phone from a random person claiming to be a mortgage professional, from a random company that claims it's the best in the industry is not the most financial sound way of getting what you want. As a potential employee, with the mortgage industry upside down, and backwards, every promise you hear in the interview (there will be SEVERAL...) will be impossible to honor. You will likely interview with someone who claims that they made $8500.00 their second month on the job, and had to only close about 4 loans, etc, etc... You will cringe at some of the things you hear in the interview that you later find out are flat out lies.

3. The fees. As a potential customer, it's important to understand that the company will package a loan full of junk fees. As a potential employee, it's important to understand that you will not get paid if you do not charge these junk fees. Here's the catch: Either way, the company is going to make a HUGE profit.

4. The leads: As a customer, you need to be aware that the leads the company gets come from BUYING your credit information (Address, home phone, creditscore, potential home value...) following a previous mortgage application: The company contacts you AFTER you've started the process with someone else, or worse, maybe applied for a car loan, etc, etc... As a potential employee, you need to understand that these leads are less than fresh, despite the constant reassurance that "they are the best leads in the industry..."

The truth is, this company is not doing well. For one thing, they hiring in waves - 20 people in the new-hire training class, roughly half of that after the first three days of (UNPAID) training.

If you have mortgage industry experience, stay away. If you have a solid sales background, and are used to serious sales conversations, with a definite end, stay away. If you're educated and are interested in starting a new career, stay away.

Just save yourself the frustration.

Company: Foundation Financial Group
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Marietta
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