FCCC - Family Credit Counseling Corporation
Taking money, not making payments, transfered account to ADC, Inc. And they say FCCC is out of business!

Business & Finance

I have been enrolled with FCCC for 3 years. From the beginning, there has always been problems. But there were always letters from them apoligizing and requesting patience as they worked through their hardships. And I'm a VERY patient person. Just when I'd think I should complain, they'd catch things up. So again, I'd be patient and wait. I mean, they are "supposed" to be helping to get us back on track, right? And, unfortunately for me, I'm too trusting.

However, my credit card company is ALWAYS showing I'm behind. About 4 months ago I started calling FCCC, leaving messages, emailing, faxing and mailing them confirmation that they had taken payments and not posted them. Nobody would respond.

I called dozens of times... And did talk to 3 different people who all told me the same thing... The could see that they were holding payments, not sure why, but the payments were disbursed from their accounting department and they didn't have control over when those payments were made.

Sarcastically, they asked me what it was that I expected them to do... And I'd tell them that I just wanted them to make the payments because the credit card company had turned me into the credit bureau and THEY had my money!!!

I paid a $299 deposit when I started with FCCC, pending reimbursement as long I stayed enrolled in the program. They charge me $35 out of the $270 that they take out of my account by the 3rd of every month. Two weeks ago I turned them into the Better Business Bureau.

Their rebuttal was that they weren't behind, had documentation that they'd made payments on time and could send it if I wanted it. I told them that I did, as I also had documentation that religiously took the money out of my account by the 3rd of the month, NEVER made the payments on time, and I could prove that they were behind. I still haven't gotten that documentation.

Two days ago I got a letter from FCCC stating that to "better serve me", they'd transferred my information to another debt management company, ADC, Inc. I called ADC, Inc. To tell them that I did not want their services and had made other arrangements. Not to mention, I did not agree to let them transfer my information to anybody else.

All ADC knew about was that the recent payment FCCC took showed an NSF charge. I told them that that was incorrect, as I issued a stop payment so that FCCC couldn't take anymore money from me.

FCCC's phone message says that they have "merged" with ADC. ADC told me that FCCC went out of business!!!

If ADC, Inc. Has taken over, they need to pay the $540 that FCCC has already taken from me and I feel that I should be reimbursed the $299 deposit as FCCC did not met their responsibilties or commitments and I have always been compliant.

I know this isn't going to happen and my stupidity has cost me appx $900. The $299 deposit and the additional $540 that they took for payments. Reading some of the other reports, this probably seems like a small amount. But it's alot to me. FCCC has literally stolen money from all us. Something has to be done!!!

Company: FCCC - Family Credit Counseling Corporation
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lauderdale Lakes
Address: 4850 N. State Road Suite G-104
Phone: 8888454027
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