Robert Hancock
Rip-off tricked and lied to us

Business & Finance

After paying my $25 to Robert Hancock at the Home Stuffers address on the 15th of January. Which they cashed the money order on 1/22/03. I receive this one page folded letter of acceptance in the mail. The stamps that I had to provide which were two weren't even the stamps that they used to send me this one page piece of crap.

They are now wanting me to send more money in so that I can be trained along with sending in more SASE. From what I have read about other people reporting them it's apparent that they are using the same phone number but are changing the names of the company along with the address.

Don't bother trying to call this (212) 615-6424 number it's always busy and your never going to get throuh I have tried all day and half the night and nobody's phone is that busy. Don't waste your time and surely valued few dollars these people need to be caught and arrested for fraud.

I would be willing to sue the snot out of them the more I think of it sounds like the best idea. I hope that they are reading this so that they realize that they have robbed my two kids of $25 dollars that could have been better used to take of them.

Company: Robert Hancock
Country: USA
State: California
City: Englewood
Address: 2828 South McCall Rd -32 PMB 38
Phone: 2126156424
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John Craig - Robert Hancock
I mailed them a 25.00 money order to receive my material, and i got nothing, but them sending me back something saying that i have to pay 5 more dollars for training

Robert Hancock
JP Enterprise When I read the letter mailed to me, I was sucked in just like everyone else. I mailed the $25.00 dollars and heard nothing consumer fraud ripoff