Household Finance Company, Member Of HSBC Group
Customers are penalized for violating contracts, but company can violate any time w/no reproach

Business & Finance

HFC gave me a personal loan and part of the contract to the loan was that I allow them to debit my checking acct each month for payment upon the loan.

I created a checking acct which same checking acct was solely for the purpose of HFC to debit their monthly payment from. I deposit the monthly payment amount each month and have maintained to pay HFC faithfully.

On august, HFC had problems with their "easy pay" system. As a result of the problems, multiple debits were done and my checking account was overdrafted and I had to pay overdraft fees in the amount of 111.00.

I called HFC in the first week of September, when I 1st became aware of what transpired. My bank information was asked for and I was told that HFC was aware of the errors and had created a unit specifically to deal with the overdraft problems resultant to their easy pay systems errors and that I would be refunded 111.00.

At the end of September, not seeing a refund credited to my checking acct, I again called HFC to inquire the status of my refund. I was told that in 2-3 business days I will see a "ach" deposit in my acct in the amount of 111.00.

Today I called again to HFC being that it was going on 2 months since they made error upon my checking acct. The customer service rep asked if I had sent a copy of the bank overdraft statement and I explained that when I initially called about this problem I was asked for complete details including, but not limited to, bank routing nu, mber, account number, dates of debits by HFC, the physical address of the bank, etc. Which I did provide them. At no time was I told to send in papers to HFC.

Clearly, HFC is using stall tactics in the hopes that this matter will be forgotten and / or abandoned by me.

I bring to my mind the day I opened a loan with HFC and was repeatedly instructed that if I violate the contract in any way or defualt with HFC in any way, I would incrue penalties/sanctions and as well open the door fror other creditors to raise my interest and minimum payments. But what if they violate their contract, what recourse do I have?

Company: Household Finance Company, Member Of HSBC Group
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Brandon
Address: P.O. Box 9068
Phone: 8778126523
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