CMG Group LLc
Fraud and scam

Business & Finance

This company is as sneaky and dishonest as they come. I had applied for a payday loan with a site online. That site used 3rd party lending and CMG Group LLC deposited money into my account. I received a voice mail at work from them stating that they would only be withdrawing the interest payment every two weeks until I contacted them to tell them to withdrawal the whole payment. Only thing is, they left NO contact information. No address, no email, no phone number. I went online and did a search of CMG Group LLC and all I found is entry after entry of complaints on this company with the majority having the same complaint as I... No way to contact them.

I talked to my bank and they stated one of the best things to do is to wait till they make the withdrawal and then dispute it and close this account and reopen a new account. I am also filing a report with the BBB. If there are any other recourses I'm open to advise.

Company: CMG Group LLc
Country: USA
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