Kemper Direct Insurance
Rip-off Lies deceit & crooked business practices

Business & Finance

On 12/22 we contacted Kemper, got a favorable rate, decided to change auto insurance carriers. They requested a deposit of $261.40 which we put on our Visa card that day. When we contacted our "old" insurance carrier, with a little more information about us, they were able to lower our rate by $300 a year and we decided to stay with them as we had been with them for over 5 years.

I contact Kemper on 1/07/03 and inform them we wish to cancel our policy with them. They had me fax a copy of our declarations page from our "old" company showing our car was insured the day we spoke to them and request that they "back date cancel" our policy to 12/22/02. The representative informed me we would be getting a check for the ENTIRE deposit amount in appx. 2 weeks-fair enough.

I call 1/14/03 to check on the status of everything and am told they did NOT get our fax I sent a week ago (I have a fax transmission report that says otherwise). So, I resend the information & letter. I call 1/15 to again check to see if they say they got our letter, etc. BUT the representative says since Arizona is a "short policy" state, they are keeping $140 of our deposit and sending $121 and change.

1.) We NEVER got a copy of the full policy that allegedly says they can steal 10% of the policy amount-NEVER.

2.) Rep said we would get a FULL REFUND since we were already insured at the time.

3.) This is out and out STEALING.

Add to this they send a bill for over $200 when our monthly policy premium was $90. They said unless they can debit our bank account, we cannot get the monthly premium. Again, no one mentions this.

I had to call the supervisor back 30 minutes before they closed. She said there was nothing that could be done. I reminded her that they NEVER sent ANYTHING saying this was their practice. She is supposed to "try again tomorrow". What a bunch of crap. I will turn these crooks over to whomever necessary to get our deposit back.

I would shy away from these lieing, deceitful morons.

Company: Kemper Direct Insurance
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Scranton
Address: PO BOX 3057
Phone: 8004378394
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