Fairbanks Capital Corp
Fairbanks Capital Loan Service Center Incompetent Unfair & Totally Outrageous Rip-off

Business & Finance

I have been a customer of this company for far too long. I have noticed numerous unfounded charges and late fees on my account. When I call about it, each person I talk to gives me a different answer and amount that I owe. Upon investigation I noticed that other people have had the same problems as I have had.

They are rude, unprofessional and very incompetent. They bought my contract, but if it had been up to me I would have never done business with this company. I alone can not make a difference but with the help of all of you, together we can make a difference and hopefully put this company out of business before they hurt more innocent people and take anyone else's home from them.

Company: Fairbanks Capital Corp
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: PO Box 551170
Phone: 8002588602
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