Household Bank - HSBC
Still charging late fees and account secure fees on closed accounts

Business & Finance

I have had 2 credit cards with HSBC. I cancelled one back in March of 08 and just found out that they were reporting me to the credit bureaus every month until August of 08. These charges were due to $30 late fees on the Account Secure option which I NEVER agreed to. During the entire time this was happening, I never received a single piece of mail informing me of the situation. I paid off my other account, called and cancelled the account secure and told them I wished to cancel this card as well. Today I received yet another $30 late fee charge on a $. 26 Account Secure fee, which again, I did not order.

These errors have brought my credit score down from over 720 to below 630.

I don't have time to deal with anymore phone calls, frustration of clearing things up with the credit card beaurus, or feable attempts at apologies or empty promises.

How do I make this end. Furthermore how can I make them accountable for all the negative reports being posted under my credit score.

I noticed when I saw this sight that there seemed to be several account holders disturbed by their business practices. Is anything being done to put an end to this and make them pay.

Simi Valley, California

Company: Household Bank - HSBC
Country: USA
State: California
City: City Of Industry
Phone: 5032934037
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