Froze My Account Never Gave A Written Statement WHY

Business & Finance

Wachovia froze may account for what they say had been bogus IRS checks deposited into my account by a friend that belonged to his uncles and aunt. Wachovia refused to give me written statement. They only gave me a 1800 number to call when I tried to access my account online. When speaking to Wachovia Fraud Investigator ; he informed to to go and file charges that I had been given these "bugus checks" but the police department said I couldn't file charges unless I had proof the checks were fake.

It's been almost a year ago (October) and I had not heard anything from Wachovia until I recieved a letter from their Escheats Department in Winston Salem, NC stating " my account is showing no recent customer - generated activity" and they wanted to know if this account infact belonged to me because it is subject to dormacy fees.

What puzzle me about the letter was it's three statements: (1) " By signing this letter, I am aware of the account and is the rightful owner and intend that it remain active". (2) "Please return this entire letter to Wachovia in the enclosed envelope". (3) "Updating your account is simple and straightforward, just sign and date the bottom portion of this letter, update your address if necessary; and return it by October 19".

Company: Wachovia
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Decartur
Address: 250 East Ponce De Leon
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