Woodforest National Bank
Unspecified NSF Charges

Business & Finance

Woodforest National proceeds to cost my account with NSF costs for unspecified/unknown efforts to withdraw cash from my bank account. I'm not informed of those efforts of course if whomever it's attempts again, understanding you will findnot resources in the first try to protect it, Woodforest costs me again. It has occurred 3-4 times and it has included as much as many countless pounds every time. Is not there a legitimate problem to such actions?

I am on the fixed-income and certainly will not manage to provide my income away to some million dollor company. Our livelyhood depends upon every buck that comes in. Eventually, I'd like my money-back, and that I need that exercise to become ceased quickly before they make me desolate again.

Company: Woodforest National Bank
Country: USA
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