Wells Fargo Bank
Excessive overdraft fees due to providing customers inaccuarate information Califonia

Business & Finance

Wells Fargo is continually stealing from their customers by charging them excessive overdraft fees due to their policy of not providing customers accurate information on their accounts and proccessing debits in an untimely manor. They blame the merchants for not processing the charges immediately but, other banks and credit unions do not seem to have the same problem. Also, they pay larger charges first in order to have multiple overdraft fees applied to customer accounts.

Company: Wells Fargo Bank
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Fransico
Address: 420 Montgomery Street
Phone: 8008693557
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Wells Fargo Bank, Inc
Excessive overdraft fees bordering on underhanded business practices

Wells Fargo Bank
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Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Bank N.A. PO Box 6995 Portland OREGON 97228 charges accounts for inactivity, then charges overdraft when account runs dry