Wells Fargo Financial
Made me go on maternity leave when I was 6 months pregnant, demoted me and transfered me

Business & Finance

I had worked for Wells Fargo Financial for 7 years. I was a manager at Wells Fargo Financial in Grand Junction, CO as a manager when my husband and I carefully planned to have a baby.in January I found out that I was pregnant with twins and I was given a due date of September 22nd.

On February 12, District Manager quized me on my ability to manage while I was pregnant and asked me questions as to weather I would consider a demotion or a transfer. I became very upset and refused to leave my position.

In May I was named 1 of 12 top producing managers in the region and was awarded by attending a conference in Boston. My district manager asked me if I could even go.

On May 25, Regional manager came to my office in Grand Junction, CO at 2454 Highway 6 & 50. We went to lunch at the Olive Garden. Regional manager was quizing me on how I was feeling and how it was going to be hard for me to manage with twins. I disagreed and told him that I was doing fine and that I had everything planned out.

Regional Manager stated, "Renae it is unlikely that you will be able to manage and work the hours that you need to work after having twins'. I responded that I would do what ever it took. Regional manager Vice President stated, Renae you need to consider your options.

I began crying and left to the bathroom to cry hysterically while I fell to the floor. I was sick. I instantly felt balls of sickness form in my stomach. I gathered myself went back out to my table where regional manager was and we left to go back to my branch.

On June 13, Regional manager Vice presedent called me at my branch at work at 12:30. He asked if I had considered my options. Feeling like I had no choice I said that I would take transfer to twin falls, if Wells Fargo Financial bought my house out. He told me I need to send him a email stating that I wanted to transfer. I got off the phone and was crying... I immediately called my husband. My husband was very upset. I told him that this was my boss's boss. And if I didn't they told me that I would be placed on corrective action while I was on maternity leave if my branch didn't perform while I was on maternity leave. I told me husband I didn't have a choice.

Regional Manager called me and told me that I needed to send the email right away since I hadn't and that he would wait on the phone while I sent it.
I sent the following email word for word.

Email sent June 14
"I would be willing to consider a transfer to Twin Falls, Idaho as an assitant manager. However, the only way I would be able to even consider this transfer would be if I was compensated with the full managers moving package. I would like to work as a manager in Grand Junction, CO until I go on maternity leave but would be willing to consider other options. Please let me know you thoughts.

On June 19, Regional manager called me at my office. He said that Wells Fargo Financial would pay for my move but that they would not buy my house. I told him that I didn't want to transfer anyways and that I couldn't do it financial or physically with out the buy out of my home. Regional manager stated, You need to make it work. Then he siad, "The end of June is the end of the 2nd quarter and I need to get a new manager into that branch, I need you to make your transfer effective as of June 29" I responded... I CAN NOT transfer now because of my risk of preterm labor... He then said, "You will need to go on maternity leave". The conversation was ened.

On June 22 I called my boss district manager. I begged him... Please I will do what ever it takes to continue to be successful as a manager after the birth of my babies. He said, "it is best you transfer out". Trying not to cry I ended the conversation.

So I was forced to leave on June 29. I advised my doctor that I had to move to Twin Falls, Idaho to be my house and start work that monday. My doctor advised me not to go and that if Wells Fargo Financial would allow me to work here that for the sake of my babies that I needed to apply for maternity leave.

I was approved for maternity leave because of my high risk pregnancy. I had no complication prior to June 29. I began packing and boxing my house. On July 19 I had to go to the emergency room because I started labor. On July 20 my husband and I traveled to Idaho to get a house... I was in the hospital again and put on bed rest. I delivered my babies at 33 weeks. They were in the NICU for 16 days. My babies barely passed their car seat test and we had to travel back to Colorado. I was their for 3 weeks and I had to leave my husband with my two 5lb babies and go to Twin Falls, Idaho back to my demoted position.

I started back to work with the attitude that I would show those jerks what I could do with twins. I was out performed every other employee in the Region from October - December and won a position to go to Lake Tahoe in January. I started counseling in October for my Depression.in November I went to the doctor for medicine to deal with the depression of losing my job because I became pregnant.in January I hit rock bottom. I told my boss that I never wanted to transfer and that I gave up everything to have my babies. My manager advised that I get immediate help and that I take some time to get better.

In January I started to research Sex and Pregnancy discrimination. I found that Wells Fargo Financial had done so many things to me that was against the law. On February 5th I made a claim to the EEOC.

I requested for my personal file and was forced to give a reason. I explained that I was reporting Wells Fargo Financial for Sex and Pregnancy discrimination. So it was on...

I was put on administrative leave.
I was threatened that if my performance slipped that i would be terminated...
On and on...

We went to mediation and Wells Fargo Financial. Regional manager stated...

Renae had employee issues..
Renae told me that she was in too large of a branch...
Renae told me that moving to Idaho was a good move for her family...

I replied... I never had any employee issues... And if I did... Where is the documenation??? Why wasn't I ever notified that I had employee issues.

I replied that no one would ever say that they were in too large of a branch. A large branch only results in larger bonuses and faster promotions. I told them I was working hard to move up and become a district manger. I told them that they told me I was in the largest and best branch in the region.

Moving when I was 6 months pregnant was not a good move for me or the life of my twins. My husband and I were making over a 100K a year. We had just had a brand new home built. My husband had a awesome job with the State of Colorado... My step daughter was not allowed to leave the state of Colorado per court order... We had family in Grand Junction and Colorado Springs that we were very close to. We did not want to move... I was forced!

Wells Fargo Financial denied that they discriminated against me on the basis of my pregnancy. Wells Fargo Financial Regional manager did the discrimination and Divisional Manager... Approved the demotion and transfer...!! These are the big guys... They make 100's of thousands of dollars every year. That is why they will not fess up to the discrimination... Oh, but they tried to offer me a tiny... Tiny settlement... And to sign a shut your mouth clause... But I refused!

On June 14, I was forced to leave... Or would have the possibility of being fired since my production was low since I was on admininstrative leave. So I gave my two weeks and was asked to leave prior to the two weeks.

I sent an email to some friends at Wells Fargo Financial... Since then another women came forward stating that this Regional manager did the same thing to her... Made her go on maternity leave early, demoted her and transfered her to another branch.

I have contacted Oprah and Women activist groups.

I have spoke with several attorney's but I am waiting to see if the EEOC will represent me in court versus having to pay an attorney 33% of my winnings.

I want everyone to do one thing!

Know your rights!!! Research Sex and Pregnancy discrimination! Stop discrimination against women!

My email is or on my cell phone if you have any information that can help!

I missed out on the 1st year of my twins life because of my depression of what Wells Fargo Financial did to me. Do not let this happen! I will never get this back!

Also... I have all of the inside information for all of the people that Wells Fargo Financial ripp off on a daily basis. If you have a mortgage, loan or auto loan with Wells Fargo financial or you work for Wells Fargo Financial contact me. I know all of the lies they tell everyone and all the lies they train their employees to tell.

Renae *
Kimberly, Idaho

Company: Wells Fargo Financial
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Grand Junction
Address: 2454 Highway 6 & 50
Phone: 9702430486
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