Wells Fargo Bank
Seek vulnerable people, elderly while hospitalized and try to take over their money and get them to name Wells Fargo as their new trust despite prior official paperwork. Shame on them!

Business & Finance

Wells Fargo refused to give access to money to a gentleman for months and months. They took his money eagerly, but when he wanted it they said his license had expired. They lied about debit cards coming in the mail and then later lied about pin numbers coming soon thereafter which never came.

After finally going into the branch and punching in the PIN it still wouldn't work. A manager lied and said that whatever old PIN worked on an old account was the same PIN as a new account that was made, another lie. Another banker said the PIN's were thrown out by me because they said it looks like junk mail. I read my junk mail and I know it never came.

They lied for months and then when they found out he was in the hospital they called him and lied and made him paranoid. They convinced him that they were the good guys and that he needed to have them be the trust for his money. They never cared to speak with him for over a year, but the minute he was in the hospital they decided that they cared / (cared to steal).

I am so disgusted with this bank and the lengths they go to steal from the vulnerable. They ignored all the official paperwork I had and decided to pull one over on him and make him think his friends were his enemies.

Wells Fargo Won as he died shortly thereafter and alone because he believed some stupid regional manager's lies about concern over the phone and her lies about how he shouldn't trust others, just her.

Shame on Wells Fargo Bank and all the liars that work for them. Shame on the regional manager Karen who was elated to hear this vulnerable man was in the hospital and decided she would steal from him and those who would inherit from him. What kind of a sick bonus does she get? Run from Wells Fargo and get your loved ones to do the same. Apparently I've heard that they are notorious for this. It disgusts me on every level!

Company: Wells Fargo Bank
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: West Jordan
Address: Jordan Landing
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