Fraudulant activity to consumers wilminton

Business & Finance

I applied twice to this company for a payday loan (not realizing that they charged the 19.00 fee for every application). They have since debited my account for 3 application fees and 2 NSF fees for a total of $107.00. I have e-mailed them ever since this occurred which was this past Friday, 8-8-08. They only send the same computer generated letter. I have tried to call and all that I have received is a recording. I have not yet be approved or declined and I am very frustrated and will be contacting the Delaware BBB as well as the BBB here in VA. These people should not be able to get away with what they are doing! I will be contacting my bank as well to let them know of this theft!

Chesapeake, Virginia

Company: 200cash.com
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: 110 W Ninth Street, Suite 581
Phone: 7148391300
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200cash.com, INC
Payday Scams

Payday loans

This company charged me 19.00 application fee and says they are taking 260.00 on 1-14, but I didnt receive the loan, got charged an over-draft fee and really messed up my account. I called

200cash.com said I was approved and never funded my loan

200 Cash.com - 200cash.com
Steals fees from your account and your never get the loan

Rip-off charges application fee for payday advances

They claim i owe them a processing fee when i never even applied to them NEVER

Takes money but never gives, ripoff

200cash.com, Inc
200Cash.com I was told That I had the loan and I call to see when it would be put into my acc. And never got a answer and they remove money out my check acc

This company is realy a ripp off