Stuart Allen And Associates
Placed charge off that did not belong to me on my credit report and refuses to remove

Business & Finance

Separated and divorcing, spouse caused self-inflicted damage and was taken to local was in spouses name, NOT mine. Bill was in spouses name not mine. Was not residing with spouse at time of incident.

Bill for hospital not sent to me EVER. However, have received two marks on MY credit for this bill totaling over $2000

Residences had been different for over a year at time of occurrence.

HOW in GOD's name are they allowed to report this on MY credit when I had no knowledge of the bill??? And all credit bureaus have a DIFFERENT residence for myself than for my ex??

Company: Stuart Allen And Associates
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: 6447 E. 5th Street #110
Phone: 5208815900
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