Fairbanks Capital Corp
Ripoff loss of cancelled cashiers checks, not credited to acct, results in foreclosure proceedings Salt lake City

Business & Finance

I decided to go online to find the homepage of Fairbanks Capital Corp. & much to my amazement, before I found the company page, I found this site and several others reporting fraud.

My mortgage was also sold to Fairbanks in May. They failed to present my bank acct debits per their electronic payment method, & reported my payment as being "non-sufficient funds"

Altho my bank manager called them repeatedly, and faxed letters to all the departments they referred us to, telling them the payments were never presented by them, they continued recording wrong acct numbers, not debiting & reporting NSF! Of course that threw us into foreclosure proceedings.

After fighting with the legal dept., we are now in a forebearance aggreement due to legal charges and attorney fees. Our payments are current. Our November payment was mailed & cashed by Fairbanks before the Nov payment was due. They have "lost" the cancelled cashiers checks In spite of several faxes, repeated phonecalls they have been "researching" the problem for over a month with no results.

We are now recording our conversations with the representatives, and find they are more polite when being recorded. We have sent copies of the cancelled cashiers checks by certified mail, and were told "sometimes they lose our mail".

I mailed the December payment by FEDEX next day delivery. I called my representative as soon as I had notice of the delivery & signature on the FEDEX package & told my rep that the crediting dept had the payment and the name of the person who signed for it.

My representative walked down to get it then & called me back to tell me they found it. They still have not found November payment. It is very frustrating working with them. I thought the problem was just mine until I found this site!

I told my representative what I found on the internet and that this seems to be a problem at Fairbanks, not with the mortgage holders. I will report this to my states Atty General! I fear a class action lawsuit will not repair the financial expenses incurred by dealings with this company.

Their attorneys told us these actions are "done on paper" and no court appearances are required. I will refuse further agreements with this company, and I will see them in front of a judge in a court of law to fight them!

Company: Fairbanks Capital Corp
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: 3815 SW Temple
Phone: 8888186032
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