Cross Country credit
Cross Country Bank Credit Really Stupid Harassing rip-offs

Business & Finance

Cross Country has been calling me for the past two months at home, work, the dentist, the toilet, on vacation on the other side of the country, on my cell phone while driving through a snow storm in a rental car through a town I'd never been in before... To collect alleged past payments.

Trouble is, I don't have an account with them. They've got the wrong guy. I keep telling them that, but they won't listen and keep calling — at least once or twice a day; once, at midnight, when I was in Connecticut.

These people are dumb as dirt; I'm not at all surprised at the complaints against them.

I am right now filing a complaint with the California Department of Consumer Affairs; and if I'm not satisfied, I'm going to the media: big time. I do media relations for my company and have the phone number of every tv, radio and newpaper newsroom on my speed dial. I'll have them splattered all over TV in local 72 hours. Anybody suing them, add me to the list; I have a *real* case of superharrassment. Hell, I'm not even their customer.

Company: Cross Country credit
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
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