Wells Fargo
Abuse of Overdraft Fees keeps WF afloat, Pigs in Tophats and Monocles

Business & Finance

I have been banking w / WF for over 8 years, including my entire Army enlistment, where my paychecks were Direct Deposited and kept my acct in the black for many, many years. Since being discharged, I've had employers that on occasion are a few days late w / checks, or would miss a few hours here or there, making it hard for me to keep perfectly to a budget.

Today I checked my account and I was -$114! I was shocked, because in my eight years of being a WF customer I rarely let my account slip into the red. When examining this, it turned out that I had been slammed with $120 in overdraft fees in the last 3 days! Meaning I would otherwise be in the clear $6 (which is what my check registry showed. When I called to ask what we could do so that my account could return to the black, they acted like their hands were tied. They even went so far as to insult me, as if I had suddenly forgotten how to manage my money and that 8 years of responsible money management meant nothing. Never have I been treated like this by a bank! The many years of customer loyalty meant nothing to them.

The scumbag bottom-feeders who work for WF are nothing more that fat pigs in tophats and monocles, waiting for the days when we (those who work) let one slip by us, lunging on the chance to eat from our troughs.

I'm going to move to USAA.

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Site: wellsfargo.com
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