Will McKinsey
Countrywide Mortgage Wongful account tracking, no communication, foreclosure started without knowledge Dallas Texas

Business & Finance

I bought my home back in 2002. Since then, I had made my payments and even made more when I had the extra money to do so. I fell behind in November and December due to medical reasons for my ailing mother. I was well on my way to making it up when in March I received a phone call from Countrywide. The person asked for 900 bucks to help get me current. When I made my payment, they bounced it back. They never notified me of this.

Then, 2 days later, I got another phone call from them asking if I wanted life insurance since I was such a great customer. 2 weeks go by when I notice realtors sending me info on foreclosures. I was appalled that they could not give me the courtesy of a phone call to talk about this, but to call me wanting to sell me life insurance.

I was finally able to get ahold of someone to discuss this. They informed me of being 4 months behind, not 2 months. When I called bullshit, I asked them to double check their records and call me back. I am still waiting for that call. I was able to get into a work-out plan with Countrywide. I had my payments doubled from the remaining of the year. I was assigned some gal to be the one person i should talk to, which is what I wanted. One voice, one direction. Since then, every time I called her number, I get someone else. I have yet to talk to the same person twice.

This last payment went 300 short. I called to let them know I was short, but would pay on the following Monday. (6 days later) The dude told me that they may bounce my payment back and take the house. Man! Talk about not wanting to work with a Joe. After this, I am contacting the BBB since their practices leave tons to be desired. Very few people will work with you and only one bothered to enter any update on my record.

I don't ask for much, but these yahoo's (everyone working there) need to man up. Say what you do and do what you say. If I can phone them, why can't they phone me? If I ask a question, why can't I get a straight answer? I would have dumped them long ago, but they jacked up my credit rating. I probably can't get a loan to buy my way out of a paper bag now thanks to them. But you can bet I will dump them at the first opportunity as long as they do not cheat me out of my house first.

Company: Will McKinsey
Country: USA
State: Idaho
City: Kuna
Address: 639 N. Ash Ave
Phone: 2088598144
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