Advanta Bank
Advanta Credit Card Interest Rate Fraud

Business & Finance

Opened the Advanta Credit Card account July at 7.99%. Never missed a payment or made a late payment.

On the June statement, my interest rate went to 19.99%. I called and asked why my rate had changed because I had never missed a payment or made late payments. The person I spoke with could not give me answer why my rate changed and connected me with a supervisor. I explained all this over again and asked for the old interest rate. The supervisor told me it would not be a problem, all I had to do is; "close the account under the old agreement."

He said to: "Fax a letter, attention credit card agreement, and tell them you want to close your account at the terms of the old agreement, and your interest rate will be adjusted back to the 7.99%." He said to include your account number, birthday, sign it, and fax it to 800-352-4738.

I did this on May 30 and received a letter signed by Keith Brender, BP, Customer Service acknowledging my request.

My next month statement (July), still had the 19.99% rate. I called again, and the customer service rep looked at my account, pleasantly informed me that it was a mistake and would be reflected on my next statement.

Received my August statement yesterday (July 14m 2008), and surprise! It is still 19.99%.

I called today (July 15) and spoke with supervisor "Cody". After explaining all this to Supervisor Cody, he informed me that he was sorry, but they have no records of me faxing them a letter on May 30 requesting my account be closed at the terms of the old agreement. Sup. Cody said there is a time limit on requesting to close my account and keeping my old interest rate and since I couldn't prove to them I faxed the letter on May 30, they couldn't adjust my interest.

I told him I was amazed that they kept and have records of the two previous times I called in and even knew who I had spoke with, but conveniently can not find the fax!

Company: Advanta Bank
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: P.O. Box 30715
Phone: 8007057255
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