Bank Of America
BOA Charging fees on items not overdrawn!

Business & Finance

Bank of America has been honing it's process for robbing it's customers blind for quite some time but what happened to me this morning takes the cake. I've grown accustomed to manipulated fee schedules and because of that I've been very closely monitoring my account. I had several tranactions which had very plainly cleared my account and one pending transaction which would have overdrawn it, so I made a cash deposit while said transaction was still pending in order to ensure a positive balance. I monitor all activities online and do not receive paper statements. When I checked my account last night it read a positive balance of 2.57 with the pending transaction rectified.
This morning I awoke to FIVE overdraft fees! I immediately called the 800 number and received a weak explanation regarding policy change in March. I never received notice of this policy change, because I do not receive paper statements. Every other time I have made a cash deposit on a pending transaction my account has been fine, yet this time BOA has chosen to charge me not for just the transaction that was pending, the ONLY one which would have overdrawn my account, but for the four previous as well which according to my statement had already cleared and showed no indication of overdraft! These so called "overdrafts" simply never appeared anywhere on my account. If this does not indicate outright thievery, then I do not know what does. BOA's hubris has become unmanageable and their morally reprehensible banking practices need to be stopped. They are bilking consumers of millions of dollars which they cannot rightfully claim.
I have finally learned my lesson and will immediately begin banking elsewhere.

Company: Bank Of America
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tarpon Springs
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