Harbor Lending Group David Parker - Charles Peirson
Harbor lending group - david parker - charles peirson and the rest of them who ever they really are major rip off artists. Offered help only to steal my hard earned money

Business & Finance

Attention all! These guys and or girls are working the system and stealing your money right from under your nose. I unfortunately fell victim to them and lost 715.00 dollars. Thank the Lord I wised up and looked into it today as i was preparing to send final payment to recieve my so-called loan. After no answer at their phone number, I looked up their web site and found this site with so many of us having suffered the same thing. All of us hard working people looking for the chance to recover from whatever we have to deal with. Bad credit and so forth. Looking for that boost and glimpse of hope to get things in order and relieve the stress. I should have went with my gut and not sent the first payment. But when struggling and looking for help I took the chance and got burned! Now im 715.00 more in the whole and no way to recover!!! I agree lets join together and get these guys. Call the FBI AT 1-404-679-9000. I'm sure they are running for cover and possibly are across the border where we were all sending the money. I'm sure they are laughing now at our expense, but lets see if they can laugh all the way into prison when the door slams shut behind them! I know Ive lost my money and will never see it again. But lets hope justice catches them!
Pissed off
Twin Falls, Idaho

Company: Harbor Lending Group David Parker - Charles Peirson
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 3098 PIEDMONT ROAD NE
Phone: 8885181491
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Harbor Lending Group
Charles Pearson, David Parker Report this scam to the FBI Supposedly

Harbor Lending Group - David Parker - Charles Pearson
Major scam, ripoff

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