Grant Resource Center
Unauthorized Credit card charges

Business & Finance

Delivered at no cost Disc having a $2.00 shipping charge and was billed $49.50 for many kind of account that was not approved by me. I'd like my $49.50 back and also the organization charged with fraud.

Company: Grant Resource Center
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
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BSM / Grant Search Asst
Unauthorized charges on credit card!

Grant Resource
Unauthorized charges

Grants Search Center
Unauthorized Charge
Scammed out of $146.20 by company insinuating they were U.S. Government

Grant Funding Search
I got my money back

Credit Card Charge

RSS Publishing
Unauthorized charges to my credit card 59.95 and unauthorized survey data base charge to my credit card

Raven Media - Grant Resource Center - Grant Master CD
Grant Master CD - Raven Media - Grant Resource Center Grant Master CD Company and It's Affiliates Third-Parties Unauthorized Billing

Grant Pro - Grant Master
Stole money out of checking account

Nature Cleans Purenutrient
Did not authorize further shipment and charges to my credit card